Rank 1 UT Champions Finals Rewards EAFC 25 SCS Boosting:
200,000 coins
Tradeable 85+ X10 Players Pack
Tradeable 84+ X10 Players Pack
Untradeable Base Icon Pack
Untradeable 89+ X2 Players Pack
Untradeable 82+ X30 Players Pack
Three Tradeable TOTW X3 Players Pack
If your order is Rank 1, we will do our very best to fulfill it. However, we cannot guarantee it because nobody can truly assure you a Rank 1. We will guarantee you an absolute minimum rank, depending on your current squad. Anything below the guaranteed rank by us will result in a total refund to you. Any rank achieved between your desired rank and the minimum guaranteed will result in a refund equivalent to the difference between the desired and achieved rank.
So, you pay us for your order (Rank 1) and after the Weekend League finishes, depending on what our FIFA booster achieves, we can refund you some money.