Rank 5 UT Champions Finals Rewards EAFC 25 DBA Boosting
45,000 Coins
X10 +82 Tradeable
Base Hero Max 87 Untradeable
X1 TOTW Tradeable
X15 +81 Untradeable
X1 +87 Untradeabl
This service includes Rank 2 on Weekend League + 3/5 wins on Play Offs + Livestream.
We will do Rank 5 as bought. If higher rank possible, we will arrange price difference in order to give it a go.
We can either stream on a Twitch channel created exclusively for you by us, ensuring utmost confidentiality and professionalism. Alternatively, if you already have a Twitch channel linked with your PSN/Xbox/Origin and wish for us to utilize it, we can accommodate that preference.