1. It's a good habit to use "atuo delivery" delivery type in account service. But remember you cannot fill in any kind of fake account info like "text me/ chat with me/ .../ Contact me" . We may warn you or ban your store in the most serious coditions.

2. The seller is responsible for the security of the account they sell. If too many after-sales problems occur, U7BUY will cancel the seller's eligibility to sell the account even if it exceeds 14 days, depending on the circumstances.

3. Sellers are not allowed to write misleading product descriptions or titles that may trick buyers into buying the product. For example, writing "Lifetime warranty for accounts", saying that the account is full access when it's not.

4. Seller must have the full original access of the account and its recovery information so that any issue that may arise can be resolved by the seller. Otherwise, seller is liable when a trade dispute occurs.

5. When delivering account, seller must transfer the ownership of the account access fully to the buyer. Account access ownership transfer means changing the account registration and login info to buyer's details, and also provide the original registration information. This is to enable buyer to use their own details and original account information to contact and resolve issue with the gamemaker.

6. Seller with high number of complaints or disputes filed by buyers will be treated as high risk or "problematic" seller. U7BUY reserves the right to take appropriate actions as we deem fit, including but not limited to refunding the order, withhold payment and suspension of selling permission.

7. 1) Sellers may not use U7BUY to provide offsite or personal offers.

2) All item listings cannot contain any description of the sellers contact information.

3)No personal contact information may be given to buyers through Chat.

For the offense of Rules 1) , 2) or 3), sellers account will be temporary suspended. A second offense will result in permanent account suspension and the sellers store credit will be frozen. U7BUY reserves the right to reject any appeal or refund request.

8. Sellers are not allowed to create more than 1 account to create fraudulent purchases by buying their own listed product(s). Any seller found doing so will be suspended without warning and will not be refunded any account balance or available balance.