1.To keep customers safe, accounts have a minimum 14-day warranty period.

Sellers are still required to actively cooperate with buyers to solve problems after 14 days.

If you have any issues with your new account, raise a dispute and provide information about what happened to get a refund. While the dispute is active, the warranty period is always active, even if solving your dispute takes more than 5 days.

2.Your warranty covers:

①The account does not work or is not as described

②Loss of access due to account recovery by the seller

③Account bans due to the ownership transfer

④Account bans due to offenses made by the seller

3.Your warranty does not cover:

①Account bans due to your actions (ex: you played on the account with cheats)

②Loss of access unrelated to the seller (ex: you forgot your password)

③Account bans due to not following seller instructions (ex: you were told not to contact game support, but did so anyways)

④Reselling the account to someone else. If you resell the account, your warranty is void.