Coupon Pass is a limited-time offer available for purchase from 06/08/2024 to 08/31/2024(server time). Upon purchasing the Pass, you will receive 11 coupons with various benefits.
1. Instant 200-Diamond Coupon
Purchase the Pass and get a 200-Diamond coupon that can be used for any skin in the Shop.
2. Exclusive Discounts on New Skins and Msc Pass
The Coupon Pass also includes six 100-Diamond coupons for designated new skins in the Shop and one 100-Diamond coupon for the MSC Pass.
If you already own a skin featured in the Coupon Pass before its purchase, a refund of Diamonds equivalent to the coupon's displayed value for that skin will be sent directly to your in-game mailbox.
3. Three Coupons that Deduct 60 Exchange Items
The Pass also offers three coupons that deduct 60 exchange items for skins available in limited-time draw events. Reduce the risk of getting duplicate items.
4. Limited-Edition Animated Avatar Border
Use 8 coupons from the Pass and receive a special animated avatar border that is exclusive and will never be available again.